24.s3.e11: Dead Clown Fabio

RHH World Map-smaller-vonal.jpeg

In which The Horde Slips, Slides, and Searches 

Our DM is   Sasha Rose Hansen  

The players, in alphabetical order:

Carbry -   Bryn Ziegler  

Gary -   Rebecca Michelson  

Spencer Charlemagne -   Jacob Earl  

Tongs -  Grayson Abele 

We’re produced by Jacob Earl 

Our theme music is “Rathgars Theme” and is available through   LateMoonRecords.com  

Tune in next week at   RathgarsHorde.com  and as always, we may be cursed, but I promise will make it through alive. 

Spencer’s Diary

We hid in a closet that was full of boxes, mostly empty but there was some loose cloth. We finally had time to examine the scrolls the Giant & I got earlier. Most of them were historical, which I put under the auspices of the dragon dwarf, a “Kobold”, who was not as gracious as I would’ve liked. 

In the night the Monk was stolen by her demon. She disappeared in a puff of smoke and left no clue. The demon apparently said “She needs to go” to the Demon and that he was doing this for here own good, to the Golem. There doesn’t seem to have been anything we could have done about it. No-one could really sleep after that, so we set off down the tunnel. Before we got very far there was a slippery, slope and while everyone was arguing about how best to get down it I opened a door and got set on fire by a potion. Harold also got burnt a little, which really hurt. I don’t really care what happens to me, y’know, but I don’t want him to get hurt, he‘s so small. I didn’t get to see what was behind that door though because when I finally put myself out they’d decided to tie themselves to each other with my rope and slide down this passage, with the golem and the Giant on either end. The floor was deeply sloped and covered in ice, which meant of course that it led directly to a great chasm. When we reached the edge the Giant, who was in front, stopped in their tracks and swung us all around while casting a spell, and then they and the golem attached themselves to the wall, and carried us like laundry over the gap. 

  We were met by a solid ice wall, but the wizards made short work burning through it. In a moment of inspiration I used the Aubino Ring to make an ice cube and block our entrance behind us. On the other side it opened into a large stepped cavern, and on the far side the underside of the frozen pool of the sea we passed on our way into town. The adolescent giant is still there, still frozen, his pack no closer from the bottom. It was weird to see a pool from the underside, glitzing water suspended in the air as ice, dead bodies suspended above us. 

The next trial was a blind slide into darkness. After she communication I got Harold to point the flashlight forward, so I could sort fo see as we slid down. The creature has a hard time with “forward” and other subjective directions as the idea of “front” is alien to him. The giant had a spooky idea that this was simply the dragons long throat, and we were sliding further into its gullet. At the slide’s terminus was a similarly macabre sight, a galley of important looking people frozen into the walls on several levels. Like a trophy room, but if the trophies were whole. I couldn’t tell if they were still alive or not, if they were we did not save the, and if they weren’t we didn’t have time to bury them.

Along past some boulders of ice the path took us around a huge hole in the floor through which we could see the next level down, where a sailing ship was stuck in the wall. We scooted along past the hole but the Golem, being huge and metal, caused the path behind us to crumble, narrowly avoiding the precipitous drop. The thin bridge we crossed is destroyed, its possible theres a second way back as there is a path that sloped up on one side of the larder, but we didn’t investigate any further. We found another sliding path down to the level of the ship, itself stuck on a shelf a hundred feet in the air. We climbed up there and the deck was covered in a cascade of ice, solid, but glittering  gently in the dim light of the cave. I think if we can get it loose and the tide was right we could sail this ship out of here. In the captains quarters there was a skeleton with a cool hat and some slick boots, propped up to shoot a knot on the wall with a crossbow. My guess is that this is some kind of trap that destroys the whole ship somehow. When I took his hat an arrow shot out fo the wall and hit the giant, but they healed themselves with an antitoxin they had. When I stole his boots, nothing else happened. The tricorn made my hair grow long and my coat fly around like I’m underwater, and the boots made it look like the ground around me was on fire but it was just an illusion. 

The bilge was filled solid with ice, but there was a tunnel around one side that led further into the dragons lair. We came to a fork and took the righthand path, and were met by a wall fo solid ice, but as was the wizard’s habit they burned a little hole in it, and on the other side was a dragon asleep! 


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